Working together for change

Image of Family Harm Support Worker, Gaylene Bell.

“Unfortunately, like rust, crime does not sleep,” says Family Harm Support Worker, Gaylene Bell. Like many of Victim Support’s volunteers and staff, Gaylene will be working over the summer holiday season when family violence incidents can surge.

Even outside of the holidays, her team has a consistently high workload ranging anywhere from five to twelve new incidents a day.

After several stints with Victim Support, contractor Gaylene has been back with the Family Harm team for almost two years.

“I’ve always had a desire to be part of positive change in the community and working with Victim Support has enabled me to be able to do that,” she says.

For Gaylene, healthy, vibrant communities, are very much dependent upon relationships and working together.

"My Māori identity and Te Ao Māori worldview are core motivators to influence and promote social change in and through my role as a Support Worker."

“Our Support Workers do a lot of awesome groundwork in building relationships with clients, police, the Court Victim Advisors, and all the different community-based organisations that we interact with.”

Having just completed a Graduate Diploma in Psychology, Gaylene has further studies in Te Reo  and Public Policy planned for next year. She feels all intersect with her role at Victim Support and ability to promote positive social change.

She admits working in family harm can be challenging, but still finds a lot in her role at Victim Support that is rewarding and is pleased with where she sees the organisation is heading.

“I’m excited by the new energy and passion I’m feeling at ground level. There’s a feeling we’re progressing. It’s not going to happen overnight, but we’re definitely moving in the right direction.”