'Never Alone' behind the front lines

Image of Julia from Victim Support’s Never Alone programme

Our Support Workers do an incredible job in helping people on the road to recovery from crime and trauma. At the same time, behind our dedicated frontline teams there are many people in critical supporting roles that enable us to sustain our free service 24/7.

This includes our Never Alone team whose monthly donations mean we can continue to fund and plan for the growth of our services and be there for the more than 40,000 people who rely on Victim Support each year.

Auckland accountant Julia understood the Volunteer Support Worker role was an extremely challenging one. While this was not for her, she was still keen to help.

“I can imagine it would be incredibly draining emotionally for those that are supporting people who have gone through trauma,” she says. “At least if I was able to contribute and fund other people who can help, that seemed like a good way to be involved.”

Julia is one of almost 900 people who make up Victim Support’s Never Alone programme. An amazing group of Kiwis whose monthly donation means we can continue our work empowering victims and making communities stronger.

“It’s important that the funds are available to engage the people who are able to help. It’s all good having the volunteers, but often you need financial backing to be able to make it all work,” says Julia.

Never Alone is an important part of Victim Support’s future and we are extremely grateful for people like Julia and their ongoing commitment.