Fresh home, fresh start - Rahimi's story

Image of Christchurch mosque attack survivor Rahimi Ahmad and his wife in front of their home

Rahimi Ahmad and his family have made a fresh start, happily living in their first home, made possible by the donated funds paid to them by Victim Support. The family received lump-sum payments from both Victim Support and the Christchurch Foundation and were also recipients of funds from the Medical Support Fund, a joint Victim Support-Christchurch Foundation initiative to help the most severely injured victims.

Originally from Malaysia, Rahimi, his wife Nor Azila Abd Wahid, and their two children had chosen Christchurch as their new home, but the events of 15 March changed everything.

“My wife graduated with her PhD in Biomedical Engineering on the day before the attack. We were renting and had started to look for a house to buy,” he says.

“I feel very grateful. The help has eased that burden a lot for me.”

Rahimi and his 12-year-old son, Ahmad, were at the Mosque on the day of the attack. His son was not physically injured, but Rahimi suffered a severe spinal injury and nerve damage, leaving him unable to walk unaided. "Iwas in hospital for two months after the attack. Our Victim Support Worker helped my wife a lot at that time."

The couple purchased a house in December and are delighted with their new home, especially Ahmad and sister Nur Faiqah.

“They can put pictures on the wall and my wife is very happy with the kitchen. Happy wife, happy husband!”

While Rahimi still suffers from debilitating pain from his injuries and mobility is difficult, he is very thankful for the help he has received from Victim Support, MSD and ACC.

“I feel very grateful. The help has eased that burden a lot for me.”